8 Pieces Golden Flatware Set with Wooden Handle Forks Knives Spoons


8 Pieces Golden Flatware Set with Wooden Handle, Forks, Knives, Spoons. Cutlery Set, Tableware set, Dinnerware set.
3pcs of Spoons, 3pcs of Forks, 2pcs of Knives



8 Pieces Golden Flatware Set with Wooden Handle, Forks, Knives, Spoons.

Cutlery Set, Tableware set, Dinnerware set.

Original Wood Handle Flatware Set

Includes: 3pcs of Spoons, 3pcs of Forks, 2pcs of Knives

Material: Stainless Steel

Color: Gold

8 Pieces Golden Flatware Set mit Holzgriff, Gabeln, Messer, Löffel, Besteck Set mit Holzgriff. 8 Pieces Golden Flatware Set con impugnatura in legno, Forks, Knives, Spoons, Posate Set con impugnatura in legno. 8 Pieces Golden Flatware Set com Wooden Handle, Forks, Knives, Spoons, Cutlery Set com Wooden Handle. Ocho cubiertos, cubiertos, cuchillos, cucharas, cubiertos de mango de madera. Tapicería de madera, Tres cucharas, tres tenedores, dos cuchillos.
8 Pieces Golden Flatware Set med Wooden Håndte, Forks, Knive, Spoons, Cutler Set med Wooden Håndte. 8 Kawałki Złoty Dwór z uchwytem drewnianym, widelce, noże, łyżki, sztućce z uchwytem drewnianym. 8 Pieces Golden Flatware Set with Wooden Handle, Forks, Knives, Spoons, Cuttery Set with Wooden Handle. 8 Pieces Golden Flatware Set with Wooden Handle, Forks, Knives, Spoons, Cuttery Set with Wooden Handle.
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Additional information

Weight 0.5 kg

Everything is Golden Me